Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

4 November 2014
It´s difficult to know how to describe our first week here and settling into Nueva Gualcho – there...
22 October 2014
The first few days in Santa Marta have been very exciting.  Starting on Thursday 9th October and...
14 October 2014
While volunteering in El Salvador with Progressio ICS, Annamaria Stewart had the pleasure of...
17 September 2014
In the year 1990, the UN finally began peace negotiations concluding a civil war that had claimed...
9 September 2014
This week, week number 3 of being in Santa Marta, has been pretty awesome. Week 1 and 2 were hard....
5 September 2014
During our 4th week of work, we went to visit one of the routes that were part of La Ruta del...
