Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

28 August 2015
The best things in life are for free and I would never trade the happiness that I experienced with...
24 August 2015
A significant part of the duties conducted by the Contact Department at our local partner...
18 August 2015
Mary: Yowaziggy! You might be wondering why this strange yet wonderful word “Yowaziggy” has become...
17 August 2015
Despite all the planning, research and injections nothing will prepare you for the many firsts you...
7 August 2015
We, the DOMCCP (Diocese of Mutare Community Care Programme) team, are a forward thinking,...
6 August 2015
After a week of in-country training and spending the weekend with our new host families, we were...
