Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

29 June 2015
Progressio ICS ha sido para todos los voluntarios una experiencia que no se olvidará. Algunos han...
16 June 2015
We started the week of 8 June very joyful and highly, as we celebrated World Children’s Day in the...
16 June 2015
Esta semana la lluvia llegó a la Sabanita, trabajamos entre lodo, charcos y mucha lluvia para...
10 June 2015
The days go by and the rains have yet to come. We may be approaching the end of the first month of...
10 June 2015
In the week of 1 June we received training by the staff from Volcano Masaya on how to build...
10 June 2015
This week signalled the mid-point of our project in Nicaragua and reflecting upon the experience...
