Progressio is a member of the International Citizen Service (ICS) consortium, which has been running since 2011. Progressio sends young volunteers (aged 18-25) to five countries in Southern Africa and Central America on 10-week placements. They work in groups of UK and national volunteers alongside local partner organisations. The programme has three objectives:

- Project outcomes in the communities where the volunteers work

- The personal development of the volunteers

- Active citizenship of the volunteers once they have finished their placements.

This consultancy will focus on the first of these objectives, and the Consultant will:

- Increase understanding of how ICS volunteers have contributed to Progressio’s aims.

- Provide evidence of the impact of ICS volunteering within Progressio’s work.


The Consultant is expected to deliver the following:  

a) Detailed field research instructions (and overseeing the research component of this project which will be conducted in-country by ICS volunteers)

b) Final report


It is estimated that the project should not take more than sixteen working days in total to complete (from September to December). This includes a one week field visit to one of the ICS programmes.

Closing date: 
Monday, September 1, 2014