Here are lots of resources to help you with your Action at Home:

You will get some help and ideas at the return volunteer weekend, which is about a month after you return to the UK, of how to carry out your Action at Home. Hopefully you will already be thinking about what you might want to do for it while you are in country. The weekend is a chance for reflection, training and planning for your Action at Home.

Planning your Action at Home

Raising awareness of Progressio ICS as your action

Resources for getting into the media, doing presentations or talks at schools, universities or your local library, write to your MP; anything to spread awareness of Progressio's work and the ICS programme:

Resources to help you get others to sign up to ICS:

  • A poster to encourage others to sign up
  • A leaflet to hand out that briefly explains all the essentials of the Progressio ICS programme
  • A word document of the application form so you can show people the first step of applying
  • A list of the criteria that people need to fulfill to be selected to take part in ICS
  • Sign up sheets for people to fill in their details, such as email addresses, if they attend an event and want to receive more information afterwards

Things you can do as your action to make Progressio ICS even better:

  • Help us out at pre-departure training or at a return volunteer weekend - role description
  • More details on what you would be expected to do if you attend a pre-departure training weekend or a return volunteer weekend

Get involved in Progressio's other work as your action

Reporting on your Action at Home

You need to let us know how you are getting on with your Action at Home so if you are planning something and need a little bit of guidance or some more resources from us, or if you have done something towards your Action at Home then please complete the ICS returning volunteers feedback form with some details of your Action and any relevent evidence (a photo of you at the event, copy of the letter to your MP etc).

Five months after you complete your placement, you will automatically be sent a link to an online Action at Home survey which you need to complete online and tell us about all your activity. You must complete this within six months of finishing your placement. 

  • You can see the compulsory Action at Home survey in advance and download a word version here, but it will be sent to you five months after completing your placement for you to fill in online.

Further help for Return Volunteers

There are a few documents in here to help you with your future job applications and searches. Although this does not count as your Action at Home we still thought it would be useful for you to have.

Still need more help or support? Email