How can I take part in ZimFast?

  • Cook: Stripping away luxuries in your usual varied diet echoes the little choice that people living in poverty have over their own lives, including what they eat. Use the ‘ZimFast Meal Plan’ (below) to create a daily meal plan, then fast by living on this simple, repetitive Zimbabwean diet for 6 days.
  • Pray/Quiz: Pray for the peace and dignity of people living in Zimbabwe, and/or use facts about poverty and hunger from our Handy Fact Sheet alongside social media and email updates to encourage people to donate. If friends know why you are fasting, they are more likely to support you.
  • Give: Set up a Just Giving page here and ask friends to sponsor you. There is a 'ZimFast' event in Progressio's organised events.

ZimFast Meal Plan

Progressio supporter, David Culley, took part in ZimFast during Lent. He said, "This week has taught me a lesson that I'd forgotten - that our food is always something to celebrate and appreciate. The more that we as a society remember this, the more likely we are to change the tragic‪ inequality experienced by too many of our brothers and sisters across the world."

Shelley and Lucy from the Progressio Team also took on the ZimFast challenge, and kept a video along the way. Here's how they got on during Day 3 of the challenge:

Read how Clifton Diocese and Liverpool Diocese have also supported the campaign.

ZimFare and ZimFast run until 15 May. Email for more info or to register. All ZimFare/ZimFast resources can be found here.