Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

7 January 2015
El voluntariado internacional es muy criticado en el periodismo de hoy. Periodistas como Mohamud (...
22 December 2014
The Committee Association Against AIDS (Cocosi) is a group of young people working to provide...
9 December 2014
Mi grupo y yo vivimos en la comunidad de Santa Marta. Llevamos aquí cinco semanas y hemos...
8 December 2014
En nuestro país se celebra el 2 de Noviembre como día de los difuntos y en nuestra comunidad todos...
2 December 2014
Firstly I must confess that prior to my arrival I knew little of the small Latin American country...
2 December 2014
An important part of the traditional Salvadoran diet is beans (frijoles). They are eaten in every...
