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ICS volunteers blog
Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!
30 July 2012
On arrival and orientation
After a 13 hour long flight our group finally landed at Harare airport...
26 July 2012
The week before I left the UK was a little manic to say the least. Saying goodbye to friends and...
26 July 2012
Muli wuli from team Mzuzu!
We have been polishing up on our Tumbuka language skills in order to...
29 June 2012
Some of the highlights of our last weeks include our business management and marketing workshop (...
29 June 2012
Another 2 weeks have passed – we’ve been really busy and have achieved so much. We met a lovely...
29 June 2012
Wow what a great first two weeks – it’s been such an experience in itself already, from the...