Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

4 February 2015
With our art and work, with our sweat and passion for what we do.  We will show to the world that...
4 February 2015
Before we reached our destination we were still unsure at what we would find. We were aware that we...
27 January 2015
Progressio y su DesarrolloPor José Rubén Alemán Méndez De repente una oportunidad surgiópudimos ser...
12 January 2015
On a three month volunteering placement in the smallest country in Central America - El Salvador, I...
7 January 2015
El voluntariado internacional es muy criticado en el periodismo de hoy. Periodistas como Mohamud (...
22 December 2014
The Committee Association Against AIDS (Cocosi) is a group of young people working to provide...
