Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

9 December 2014
Mi grupo y yo vivimos en la comunidad de Santa Marta. Llevamos aquí cinco semanas y hemos...
8 December 2014
En nuestro país se celebra el 2 de Noviembre como día de los difuntos y en nuestra comunidad todos...
2 December 2014
Firstly I must confess that prior to my arrival I knew little of the small Latin American country...
2 December 2014
An important part of the traditional Salvadoran diet is beans (frijoles). They are eaten in every...
2 December 2014
On the fifth of November, in celebration of both national and international cultures here in Nuevo...
28 November 2014
La primera construcción que haremos será una parada de buses en la plaza central de la comunidad,  ...
